Sunday Worship, Christmas II, January 2

Join us online for worship on second Sunday after Christmas, January 2, 2022. The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preaches on “Another Road” based on readings from Jeremiah 31:7–14 and John 1:1–18.

Sermon: “Another Road

Events occur that can change the flow of our lives. While we are moving along attending to the tasks in front of us, a disruption can interfere with our well-honed plans. We spend much of our time attending to matters these days that require us to drop whatever we are doing and focus on whatever is in front of us. Have you been there? Do you remember your first and most immediate thought at that moment?

Such is the course of life. Many of us have learned to be flexible with the capacity to shift our attention and focus on whatever demands our presence. From the mundane to the essential, we learn to shift and reset our course. How do you get ready for the unexpected? How do you prioritize your actions and reactions? This is the conundrum that too often is presented when dueling or competing events occur simultaneously. What do you do?

Sometimes we have to take another road. We have to dare to venture into unfamiliar space and behave in a way that requires our adjustment. It is strange to have to change yourself when you have become comfortable and familiar with where you are and what is expected or required of you. But, without warning or any previous preparation we may find ourselves forced to act with urgency. Are you prepared to take another road?

We practice our faith as a source to prepare us for the unexpected. These days we are living with a pandemic that morphs and spreads. Just when we felt a little safer we learned new protocols require us to slow down and stand in place. At this moment we must be prepared and ready to take another road.

Little River UCC