Worship of God is at the heart of the Little River community. We come together on Sunday mornings to renew our faith through prayer, receive inspiration through music, absorb thought-provoking sermons, and share time with friends and newcomers over light refreshments in the social hall following worship.
Worship Times
We gather in worship and celebration weekly at 10:00 am. Use this link to attend virtually over Zoom!
Children are a priority in our faith community and are always welcome in worship. Church school for children age 3 through grade 12 meets Sundays during worship from September through May. Each Sunday, during worship service, all children age three and older begin the morning by joining the congregation in the sanctuary. The early part of the worship experience includes a special Time with Children when the children may, if they choose, come to the front of the sanctuary for a special message directed to them. Afterwards, the children may stay in the sanctuary with their families, but most choose to attend church school with their friends. Care is always available for infants and children through age two.
During the summer months, children age three through nine are invited to attend Summer Church School or to remain in worship following the Time with Children. Older children remain in worship throughout the summer months.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is observed monthly, normally on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome to participate as the bread and juice are shared. Gluten-free bread is also available. The Sacrament of Baptism for adults and children is observed during worship as requested and arranged with a pastor.
Communion is served at service every Sunday during Lent.
Special Worship
Special worship offerings are scheduled throughout the year, such as healing services, Ember Evenings for reflection, and Lenten and Advent services.
Lenten services in the period leading up to Easter include worship at 7:30 p.m. on Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday.