Sunday Worship, Advent IV, December 19

Join us for worship on third Sunday in Advent, December 19, 2021. The Sanctuary Choir sings Byron Adams new “Missa in Dulci Jubilo.” The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preaches on “Moving with Mary’s Song” based on readings from Micah 5:2–5 and Luke 1:39–55.

Homily: “Moving with Mary’s Song

Do you hear the wails of mothers whose children are endangered? Can you feel the pain of parents whose sons and daughters have died because of senseless violence? Does your heart ache each day as news reports of suffering saturate the airwaves and fill headlines in local newspapers? Do you care about the fathers who cannot hold their children because they are separated by prison walls? Are there sufficient tears to drop as each sprinkle wets your cheek bones and moisten your face? Do you care?

Young Mary, the mother of Jesus, sang her song of praise to God upon hearing from the Angel Gabriel she would become pregnant although she had not been with any man. Her faith was more powerful than her doubts. Incredible news that could have meant harm and danger to her as an unwed woman was transformed into a declaration of hope, peace, love, and joy. How would you perceive such news?

For too many mothers, the spread of bad news fills their lives and breaks their hearts. The stream of brutality against children flows across our nation daily, weekly, monthly, and annually without ceasing. Indeed, America is beyond relief as the insane propagation of ungodly deeds touches innocent people eking out a meager living on the edges of society.

Can you hear Mary’s voice amid the din of suffering children? Like too many other mothers, Mary was forced to sojourn into Egypt to escape the threats on her infant’s life. Can we hear the cries of mothers and the sobs of fathers? Do we care about the conditions that shorten life-spans to early deaths?

Ah, this is Christmas! Amid the diverse realities endured by too many people, a child was born to bring change, comfort, compassion, and a conspiracy to advance justice and eternal life. We thank God for Jesus! We thank God for Christ! We thank God for us.

Little River UCC