Do You Know Who I Am?

Guest preacher Peterson Toscano offers the sermon. Peterson is a playwright and actor who has presented his work at academic conferences, seminaries, universities, places of worship, and drag bars around the country. Peterson is a Quaker, gardener, and lover of all foods.

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Into the Deep

Jesus told Simon Peter to put out his nets one more time, in the Sea of Galilee. To Simon's surprise, the nets came back filled with an abundance of fish. How might God be speaking to us today through this story about Jesus' ministry? Pastor Shelli reflects on our call to go "into the deep."

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Peace Grows

This year our Advent theme is “From the Manger.” We will gather this December around the birth story in Luke 2, embracing the playful symbolism of a newborn Jesus being laid down to sleep in a feeding trough in a town called “House of Bread.” This second Sunday in Advent we reflect on the birth of Christ as the Prince of Peace.

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Hope Grows

Advent begins! This year our Advent theme is “From the Manger.” We will gather this December around the birth story in Luke 2, embracing the playful symbolism of a newborn Jesus being laid down to sleep in a feeding trough in a town called “House of Bread.” This first Sunday in Advent we reflect on Christ's hope, growing in our hearts, displacing fear.

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