A Pentecost Message

The days have come when the hierarchies with which we’re familiar -- including social structures based on sex and gender, age, and economic classes -- will lose their meaning. In these days, God pours out God’s Spirit on all of us – sons, daughters, and intersex children; younger and older; those with lower, middle, and higher incomes; men, women, and non-binary people; lesbian, gay, bisexual, and straight people; trans people and queer people; people of all skin tones, shapes, and sizes; people with various ethnicities and migration backgrounds. What a wonderfully diverse and beloved community!

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Little River UCC
Visit to Frederick Douglass House

Frederick Douglass spent his life fighting for justice and equality. Born into slavery in 1818, he escaped as a young man and became a leading voice in the abolitionist movement. People today find inspiration in his tireless struggle, brilliant words, and inclusive vision of humanity. The Women’s Ministry Team and Antiracism Ministry are coordinating a group tour at the Frederick Douglass Historic site on Saturday, May 11.

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