Visit to Frederick Douglass House

Frederick Douglass spent his life fighting for justice and equality. Born into slavery in 1818, he escaped as a young man and became a leading voice in the abolitionist movement. People today find inspiration in his tireless struggle, brilliant words, and inclusive vision of humanity. The Women’s Ministry Team and Antiracism Ministry are coordinating a group tour at the Frederick Douglass Historic site on Saturday, May 11.

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Installation of the Rev. Dr. Shelli M. Poe

Little River formally installs its new paster, the Rev. Dr. Shelli M. Poe. Representatives of the Central Atlantic Conference will lead ths installation or participate in the service:

The Rev. Freeman Palmer, Conference Minister

The Rev. Marvin Silver, Associate Conference Minister

Yvonne Hinkson, Moderator, Potomac Association Board of Directors

The Rev. Drew Nettinga, Chair, Potomac Association Committee on Ministry

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Little River UCC