Installation of the Rev. Dr. Shelli M. Poe
During worship on Sunday morning, January 21, we will officially install the Rev. Dr. Shelli M. Poe as the Senior Minister at Little River UCC. Representatives of the Central Atlantic Conference and the Potomac Association will be present to lead the service of installation. The Rev. Freeman Palmer, Conference Minister for the Central Atlantic Conference United Church of Church. will bring greetings from the Central Atlantic Conference.
The order installation will include the Rev. Marvin Silver, Associate Conference Minister; Yvonne Hinkson, Moderator, Potomac Association Board of Directors; the Rev. Drew Nettinga, Chair of the Potomac Association Committee on Ministry and Little River member; and Gail Perry, Co-Chair of the Little River UCC Search Committee.
The Rev. Drew Nettinga will also preach on “You Called,” and the Sanctuary Choir will sing “How Lovely Are the Messengers” by Felix Mendelssohn.
A special dessert reception will be held during coffee hour. Please join us for this joyous event!