Sunday Worship - November 7

The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preached on Ruth 3:1–5; 4:13–17 and Mark 12:38–44 (read more below). We also celebrated Communion and remembered those who have passed in the last year as we observed All Saints Day.

“Risk and Restoration”

Life is filled with snares and dangers. It provides promise and hope. In the ancient story of two women who were widowed and traveled together, we learn about their dedication and endearment to each other. Naomi and Ruth were traveling companions who honored an oath of commitment. There was nothing that could separate Ruth from her mother-in-law, Naomi. Although Naomi used every persuasive argument to push Ruth away there was nothing that could separate them. Ruth was determined and fully committed to stay with Naomi no matter the conditions and circumstances they faced. Together, they took risks. Together, they became a source of restoration.

Imagine how those two inlaws made a pact not to separate no matter the circumstances. Think about that for a moment. How close are you to your inlaws? Is there anything that could separate you? How far are you willing to go to keep and protect your inlaws? Think about it.

Naomi and Ruth were widows. Their husbands died and left them alone. Ruth and Naomi only had each other in a world dominated and determined by the whims of men. What would you do in their situation? What risks would you be willing to take? Their rare courage continues to inspire generations of women. Their commitment to each other was so strong and sincere we continue to this day to be amazed and encouraged. Not only did they take risks, they found hope and extended themselves to become the pillars of a legacy we still honor today. Because Ruth refused to depart from her mother-in-law; and, because Naomi received her daughter-in-law who was of a different nationality and religion, we continue to remember them. Imagine that. The risk they took became the foundation of our restoration through Jesus Christ, one of their descendants. Amazing!

Little River UCC