Seeking Input for Senior Pastor Search Committee

An important next step in the process of calling a Senior Pastor for Little River is to establish the actual search committee. After consulting with some of the participants in previous search processes and taking the lessons learned from their experience, the Intentional Interim Team would like to invite members of the congregation to put forward names of possible search committee members--these are suggestions. Our search committee will read ministerial profiles, screen candidates, conduct interviews, check references, and eventually select a candidate who will be recommended to the entire congregation. Previous search committee members shared that the process can be spiritually and personally meaningful as well as just plain fun.

The Intentional Interim Team would like to have the search committee announced by mid December and ready to get to work the beginning of January. We have been advised that a deliberate and well organized process can be expected to take approximately one year from start to installation of the new Senior Pastor. Our desire is to have a diverse and cohesive team of 7 to 9 persons that represent the entire spectrum of our congregation. Characteristics of team members might include but not be limited to:

  • Articulate and able to communicate

  • Write clearly and edit succinctly

  • Builds consensus, adapts and is flexible

  • Good listening skills

  • Organized

  • A sense of humor

  • Knowledgeable of the history and policies of LRUCC and the wider UCC

  • Visionary and ready to help build the future of Little River United Church of Christ

So now we ask you to put on your thinking caps and help us come up with a dynamic team ready to jump in and move Little River into the next phase of our journey. Please submit suggestions, either yourself or other members of the congregation, by dropping names into the suggestion box located in the atrium or completing this Google form. Your thoughtful suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Little River UCC