Sunday Worship - October 24

Join us this Sunday—in person or online—at 10 am for worship. The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preaches on Mark 10:46–52 (read more below).

“Forward in Faith”

This month we have explored and examined the story of Jesus's ministry as recorded in Mark 10. That is pretty incredible to have had a whole month dedicated to one chapter among the Gospels.

We began October on the subject of divorce and the conundrum of tradition associated with the lowered status of women in ancient societies and a higher standard of care and protection for them as instructed by Jesus to his followers. Then, the second week, we ventured into the realm of salvation and discovered the essence of true life, including the reward that comes with letting go of possessions.

Last week, the text pointed us in the direction of realizing the cost of discipleship and the misplaced value generated by the ego and a desire for recognition.

This week we conclude the chapter with the story of a blind man who shouts, "Jesus, son of David, have mercy on me!" He would not be denied the opportunity to capture Jesus's attention. Bartimaeus, the blind man, used his voice and he would not be silent. His faith and determination were sufficient to receive sight as Jesus showed mercy that allowed a handicapped man to take heart. We should expect nothing less.

Little River UCC