Sunday Worship - October 17

Join us this Sunday—in person or online—at 10 am for worship. The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preaches on Mark 10:35-45 (read more below).

"Great Service"

Whenever we get deeply involved in something we want to do our best Sometimes we are motivated by ego or money or a great need to receive recognition. What motivates you? Why do you engage in activities or participate in various activities? Why?

When two brothers approached Jesus and asked him to give them the special privilege of being placed right beside him to experience his glorification, they were reaching for something far beyond their experience. They wanted the ultimate recognition. Or, perhaps, they wanted to express their sincerity in following Jesus' teachings and path. But, in reality, they had no idea what they were seeking.

When we go to a game and watch professional athletes perform on the diamond, gridiron, court, track, or pool we might fantasize about being there with them on the same team and making the same plays. But, in reality, most of us cannot endure the extreme conditioning and preparation athletes exert to play at such an elevated level.

What God requires of us and is quite doable and is rooted in service to other people. We can recognize their needs and respond to their calls. Great service is being attentive to other people without any expectation of receiving something in return. Great service is a noble ambition.