Reconciliation Sunday, November 21

Watch the service on-demand! The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preached on 2 Samuel 23:1–7 and John 18:33–37 in his sermon entitled “A Wise Reign” (read more below).

This year Little River is setting aside a special time to bring forward the worries, concerns, and unfinished issues that clog our lives. Life is an experience with faith. We honor the Creator in worship and service to people beyond ourselves. Amid all the various things we do, we make mistakes. We fall short and sometimes we stumble. No matter what we do or happens to us, we have the assurance of God’s mercy.

Join us for a service of Confession, Forgiveness, and Reconciliation on Sunday, November 21. We invite you to bring the weight of your life to the sanctuary and release whatever burdens you are carrying. Also, come with a spirit of Thanksgiving and express your gratitude for the marvelous things God has done for you. We will share in a moment of reconciliation, healing, and renewal.

Whether you are online or in the sanctuary, our worship will focus on the many things for which we are thankful and those issues and concerns that give us pause. Please plan to join us as we offer ourselves to God with the faith we are never forgotten or forsaken.

Sermon Preview: “A Wise Reign”

With very few words, David, the poet in 2 Samuel 23, expressed a depth of emotion that was profound and unmatched in clarity and truth. He gave counsel to anyone who was serious about living in compliance with God. To paraphrase David's wisdom and instruction, if we are to walk in the light of truth, we must acknowledge God, confess our mistakes, proclaim what we believe, live faithfully, and be obedient to God's Word and Commandments. The clarity and simplicity of his counsel are worth our attention and obedience.

There are many distractions that can capture us and waste away our lives. Our affluence can trap us in knots that tie us to materialism at the expense of salvation. It is easy to trip on the distractions placed like landmines on the paths we travel. So, we must be vigilant and disciplined to follow the Way of Christ.

David was a model of human vulnerability and humility. Selected by God as a youngster, he was chosen to lead his nation. To be clear, David had flaws and made gross mistakes. But, he is not defined by his errors. He is remembered for revering God, enduring poetry, and providing a wise reign.

Little River UCC