Sunday Worship, Advent I, November 28

Watch the service on-demand! The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preached on Jeremiah 33:14-16 and Luke 21:25-36 in a sermon entitled “Sign of Things to Come.” (read more below).

Sermon: “Sign of Things to Come”

As we enter the Season of Light, let us remember the spread of darkness around the world. Let us avoid the childish, romantic notions of fictional characters who display a jolly sentimentality amid the disastrous realities faced by too many innocent people. The birth of Jesus Christ reminds us of the Good News proclaimed to people who suffer. It was a miraculous delivery of new life against the odds of survival. From humble beginnings with immigrant parents, Jesus came as “Emmanuel,” which means God with us. There was the magnificent celestial display of the angelic choir and the bright star that beamed above the place where Jesus was born in Bethlehem, the City of David. 

Oh, how we continue to pray daily for hope, peace, love, and joy. This is Advent, a time of anticipation, as we await the fulfillment of God’s promise to be with us as one of us. The divine experience in human form is the basic principle of our faith. We dare to believe God became human so we can more fully understand and appreciate who we truly are and our purpose for having been born. We look to Jesus and discover the essence of God’s original intent for all people. 

Do you know how good and precious you are? Do you see God’s goodness in the faces of other people? When we consider the violence that plagues the world and displaces too many people, then, we can have a greater appreciation for this Season of Light, Advent.

Little River UCC