Stewardship Committee
September 27, 2020
Your Stewardship Committee has chosen the theme –Sharing Our Storehouse of Gifts. Many of you will recognize this theme that comes from Dawn Jefferson’s inspirational words to us in her last sermon. We are so grateful for all of the contributions you have made this year in response to our troubled world –gifts to feed those in need, help for immigrants and those with medical debt, contributions for our own community as well as all the other charities that many of you support.
This fall we ask you to turn your attention to our own congregation. As you are able, please try to catch up with your pledges for 2020 as we prepare for the Stewardship Campaign. Our support to the operating fund of Little River is crucial for our church to thrive. Our staff and our building are the foundation on which we stand as a community. In the next two months you will hear reflections from some of our boards and committees on how our pledges are used to live out the LRUCC mission. We look forward to a Sunday at the end of October when we will consecrate our pledges for the new year. Thanks very much.
February 21, 2020
Can You Donate $.65 or More?
February 27, 2020 is the official 65th Anniversary of the founding of Little River United Church of Christ. This past year we lost several of our last remaining founding members and other long-time members who contributed many decades of time, talent, and resources to build our congregation. In honor of our past members and in celebration of our 65th Anniversary you are cordially invited to donate $.65 or more to fund current and emerging unmet needs of the church that were not included in our annual budget. You can donate $.65, $6.50, $65, $650, or more. No gift is too small (or too large). If you are writing a check, then kindly include "65th Anniversary" in the subject line. We have a goal to raise $8,000 for unmet needs. We value your support. Refer questions to Bruce Summers, Chair of the Stewardship Committee at
January 19, 2020
One final appeal from your Stewardship Committee for 2020 pledges! To date, the congregation had pledged $514,726, leaving us more than $100,000 short of our goal of $615,000 and over $65,000 short of our total pledged income from last year. Any shortfall in pledges means resources will need to be cut from valuable ministries and programs in the preliminary budget being prepared by Trustees. Fortunately, new or increased pledges can still be factored into the budget for presentation at the upcoming congregational meeting on February 2. Please help us continue Little River’s progress by submitting a Pledge Card in the offering plate or office lockbox or reaching out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
January 12, 2020
Thanks again to everyone who has participated in the “Growing Gratefully” stewardship campaign. However, as of January 8, we are still more than $100,000 short of our goal of $615,000. We are also over $66,000 short of our total pledged income from last year. Even though we have started a new calendar year, there is time to make a new pledge or increase your current pledge. Any pledges received within the next couple of weeks will make a difference in the preliminary budget presented by the Trustees at the February 2 congregational meeting, preserving resources for valuable ministries and programs. Please help us continue Little River’s progress by submitting a Pledge Card in the offering plate or office lockbox or reaching out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
December 22, 2019
The calendar year is quickly coming to an close, but there is still time to participate in the “Growing Gratefully” stewardship campaign. To date, the congregation has pledged $484,626, putting us at 79% of our campaign goal. We really need your help in securing the remaining $130,000! Trustees are preparing a preliminary budget, and any shortfall in pledges means resources will have to be cut from valuable ministries and programs. If you have previously pledged but not yet submitted this year, we hope to hear from you very soon! If you have not previously pledged, please consider sharing your gifts with the church to have an even greater impact as a community of faith. And, if you have already pledged this year but can increase your contribution, please let us know! Pledge Cards are available in the narthex and can be dropped in the offering plate or office lockbox or mailed to the office. You may also reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or to discuss your pledge.
December 15, 2019
This week, we surpassed 75% of our campaign goal! Thanks to so many of you for responding to the committee’s additional outreach. Now, we need your help in securing the remaining $131,000. Remember, our pledges are critical as the Trustees prepare a preliminary budget for the upcoming congregational meeting. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday morning or in the lockbox on top of the mailboxes in the office. You may also mail it to the office. If you are able to increase your submitted pledge – even small amounts make a big difference – please reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
December 8, 2019
Two requests this week! First, the church is working to close its books for the year, but we are currently running behind on 2019 pledged amounts. If you are behind on your pledge and able to address some of the shortfall, we would appreciate your commitment. For an update on your status, please contact Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
Second, thanks to so many for participating in the “Growing Gratefully” stewardship campaign for 2020. To date, the congregation has pledged more than $414,000, which puts us over 67% of the way towards our goal of $615,000. Help us conclude the campaign on a high note! You may drop your Pledge Card in the offering plate on Sunday morning or in the lockbox on top of the mailboxes in the office. You may also mail it to the office. A petal will be added to sunflower frames for each additional pledge.
November 24, 2019
Thank you for continuing to submit your Pledge Cards for 2020. To date, the congregation has pledged more than $328,000, which puts us over 53% of the way towards our goal of $615,000. Let’s keep the momentum going! Your commitments will allow the church to nurture grateful growth in one another through worship, education, fellowship, charity, and service. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday morning or into the lockbox on top of the mailboxes in the office. You may also mail it to the office. You can find all the “Growing Gratefully” campaign materials – including the narrative program budget, pledge card, and giving guide – in the narthex. A petal will be added to sunflower frames for each additional pledge.
November 17, 2019
Thank you again for celebrating with us on Consecration Sunday by submitting your Pledge Cards for 2020 and adding your petals to the “Growing Gratefully” sunflower frames (on display in the narthex – special thanks to Doreen Manchester for designing and painting such colorful piece of art!). The congregation pledged $287,710, which puts us at about 47% of our goal of $615,000. Our pledges will allow the church to nurture growth in one another through worship, education, fellowship, charity, and service. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please drop it in the offering plate on Sunday morning or into the lockbox on top of the mailboxes in the office. You may also mail it to the office. You can find all the campaign materials – including the narrative program budget, pledge card, and giving guide – in the narthex. A petal will be added to the sunflower frames for each additional pledge.
November 10, 2019
This Sunday is Consecration Sunday, when we will present our financial pledges for 2020. Please come with your completed Pledge Card; cards were mailed home and will also be available in the narthex. As in previous years, there will be a special way to submit your pledge – in gratitude to God and in support of Little River’s continued growth. After worship, we will share in a celebratory luncheon for the whole congregation.
November 3, 2019
One more week until Consecration Sunday, when we will make our pledges to Little River for 2020! You should have received in the mail all the “Growing Gratefully” campaign materials – including the Narrative Program Budget, Pledge Card, and Giving Guide – to assist you in the contemplative process. Please bring your completed pledge card next week (if you forget, additional cards will be available in the narthex) and participate in our interactive event. Also, please join us afterward in the social hall for a celebratory luncheon, when we will announce initial pledges and progress toward the campaign’s goal of $615,000 in commitments. If you are unable to attend next week, you are welcome to drop your pledge card in the offering plate on a subsequent Sunday, drop it into the lockbox on top of the mailboxes in the office, or mail it to the office. We look forward to receiving your pledge in gratitude to God and in support of Little River’s continued growth.
October 27, 2019
As you prayerfully consider your pledge to Little River for next year, the Stewardship Committee is pleased to feature our youth. Hopefully, you have had a moment to enjoy the sunflowers that adorn the hallway, crafted during Sunday School earlier this month in celebration of our campaign theme:“Growing Gratefully.” This Sunday, you will hear from the Salt of the Earth choir under the direction of Ashton Streavig. They will perform some appropriate pieces aligned with the theme. Additionally, on Consecration Sunday (November 10), our youth will have an opportunity to present their commitments to the church, whether time, talent, or treasure. Your gifts help sustain our youth, as well as Little River’s many other ministries at home and abroad. Be on the lookout for a mailing of campaign materials – including the 2020 Narrative Program Budget, a Pledge Card, and a Guide to Giving – this week. Come prepared to submit your pledge on Consecration Sunday, so that the church may plan for how to help all of us grow gratefully in faith, rooted in the values that we share across our splendid array of differences.
A reminder that we invite you to join us for a special celebratory luncheon in the social hall after worship on November 10. Please bring a side dish to share. At that time, we will announce the initial pledge amount toward our stated goal.
October 20, 2019
As you prayerfully consider your pledge to Little River for next year, the Stewardship Committee is pleased to welcome several voices from the congregation. Last Sunday, you heard from the Personnel Committee about the church’s paid staff managing programs and operations. This Sunday, you will hear from the Board of Outreach and Social Justice about the church’s support for the wider UCC mission. Both are speaking to the importance of your planned giving to support the ministries of Little River. They are an important reminder of the many ways in which our gifts sustain all that we see, hear, and experience on Sunday mornings and throughout each week, as well as reach beyond the church – into the local community and across the wider world. We look forward to receiving your pledge on Consecration Sunday (November 10) so that the church may plan for how to help all of us grow gratefully in faith, rooted in the values that we share across our splendid array of differences.
Also, we invite you to join us for a special celebratory luncheon in the social hall after worship on November 10. Please bring a side dish to share. At that time, we will announce the initial pledge amount toward our stated goal.
October 13, 2019
We hope you received in the mail a letter from Pastor David regarding this year’s stewardship campaign theme: “Growing Gratefully.” Our congregation comes from many backgrounds: New Englanders and Southerners; rich and poor; Jewish and Catholic; African-American, Latinx, and white; and more. This diversity is truly one of our great blessings. It also remains one of our greatest challenges. We will grow together only if we focus on what truly matters most, without requiring conformity to a narrow vision of how to follow Jesus. As you prayerfully consider your pledge to Little River for next year, please know that your generous contribution will allow the church to nurture grateful growth in one another through worship, education, fellowship, charity, and service. With your pledge, Little River may plan for how to help all of us grow gratefully in faith, rooted in the values that we share across our splendid array of differences.
And please join us after service on Sunday, October 13 for the Planned Savings and Charitable Giving Seminar with representatives from Merrill Lynch. The session will start at 11:30 am, in Room 8, immediately following the Ministries Fair. Come learn more about how you can take advantage of the new tax code to maximize your designated giving to the church and other charities.
October 6, 2019
The Stewardship Committee is pleased to announce this year’s campaign theme: “Growing Gratefully.” In February 2020, Little River United Church of Christ celebrates its 65th anniversary. We are proud of our heritage, celebrating our past and growth over time, but know we still have a lot of work to do to carry out God’s mission. Over the coming weeks, the committee will assist you as you prayerfully consider your pledge, with messaging, letters, informational materials, and voices from the congregation (including the children!), culminating in a celebration on Consecration Sunday (November 10). Please help us continue Little River’s progress by investing in its many ministries.
A reminder that all members, friends, and guests of Little River are invited to a Planned Savings and Charitable Giving Seminar with representatives from Merrill Lynch next Sunday, October 13. The session will start at 11:30 am, in Room 8, immediately following the Ministries Fair. Come learn more about how you can take advantage of the new tax code to maximize your designated giving to the church and other charities.
September 9, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on September 9 at the church. We celebrated a joyous Hymn Sing on September 1 (thanks again for receiving our selections!), reviewed some historic photos of the church in preparation for our fall campaign theme (thanks again to our archivists, the Curtises!), and discussed some items for the upcoming Ministry Board and Church Council meetings (lots of great opinions!). We also walked through the milestone events for the campaign, brainstormed about Consecration Sunday’s activities (how to top nailing a door and building a puzzle?), and finalized critical messaging and imagery. Stay tuned for information about a special charitable giving education session this month. The Stewardship Committee’s next meeting will be September 30 – to stuff a mailing and review campaign materials.
August 5, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on August 5 at the church. We debriefed on SummerFest (committing to another event next summer), the latest Ministry Board and Church Council meetings, and the unfunded priorities match campaign (which raised more than $2,000!). We also reviewed feedback from boards and committees to revise our annual Program Brochure, developed a timeline for the rollout of this year’s campaign, and made assignments for milestone events during the rollout. Stay tuned for information about a special charitable giving education session next month. The Stewardship Committee’s next meeting will be September 9.
August 4, 2019
A big thanks to all who participated in Little River’s first-ever SummerFest on Saturday, July 27! The event netted more than $2,000 from sales, which will be used to support the church’s general operations and unfunded priorities. A special thanks to those members who helped set up the day before; the members, Scouts, and friends who helped run the event the day of; and the stalwarts who stayed to support the pick-up of remaining items by GreenDrop and ensure the building was in good shape for the visit by Conference Minister Rev. Freeman Palmer on Sunday. In particular, we could not have pulled the event off without our Temporary Sexton Nick Renzo! We received positive feedback from many in the community – some experiencing the church’s hospitality for the first time – and found new homes for most of our members’ generous donations.
July 14, 2019
Updated — Little River UCC SummerFest 2019
The Stewardship Committee is excited to provide additional details about Little River’s first-ever SummerFest on Saturday, July 27 from 9am to 2pm – rain or shine! The event will include:
We are now accepting donations through the MORNING OF THE SALE! Items can be brought to the church and left in the Conference Room each Sunday. You may also drop off items on Friday, July 26 from 10am to 6pm. If you need to drop off items at another time or have large items, please contact the church office at to make special arrangements. Items that sell well include:
clothing and shoes
accessories, purses, jewelry
kitchenware and home goods
toys and electronics
small appliances and tools
sporting goods, small exercise items, bicycles
blankets and bedding
baby items
**Any items not sold will be picked up by Green-Drop the day of the event and benefit the American Red Cross.
GAMES AND PRIZES FOR THE KIDS: Tickets will be sold for kids to play games and win fun prizes.
FOOD: Food will be sold during the event!
ENTERTAINMENT: We are seeking artists to perform live during the event!
VOLUNTEERS: We are requesting volunteers to set-up, clean-up, sell items and food, work games, and provide entertainment.
Contact with any questions or to donate or volunteer (if you can’t access the sign-up link)!
June 8, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on June 8 at the church. We finalized plans for LRUCC’s first-ever SummerFest on Saturday, July 27, featuring a rummage sale, games, vendors, food, and entertainment, with all proceeds going to support general operations. See additional details in the Bulletin, on the website, and on Facebook. Please use the Sign-Up Genius to donate edibles, reserve a table, and volunteer your time and talent and come on Saturday with friends from your community! We also approved a proposal to design and print our annual Program Brochure, Pledge Card, and Giving Guide, as well as made assignments on reaching out to the pastors and staff, boards and committees, and church photographers to update materials. The committee’s next meeting will be August 5.
June 23, 2019
Little River UCC SummerFest 2019
The Stewardship Committee is excited to announce Little River UCC’s first-ever SummerFest on Saturday, July 27 from 9am to 2pm! Details are currently being finalized, but the event will include:
Rummage Sale
Games and Prizes for the kids
Craft Vendors
We are accepting donations for the rummage sale immediately! Items that typically sell well include gently used clothing, tools, small furniture, exercise equipment (no large items: treadmills, etc.), baby items, shoes, handbags, jewelry, games, toys and bicycles.
Items can be brought to the church beginning this Sunday, June 16 and each subsequent SUNDAY through July 21 and be left in the Conference Room. If you need to drop off at another time, please contact the office at to make arrangements.
Watch for more information on how you can volunteer, such as: set up, staffing the event, and clean up; providing bake sale and other food donations; playing live music; or selling your craft/ small business items. You will not want to miss this event!
Email with questions or if you just can't wait to volunteer. Email if you need to drop-off items during the week.
June 16, 2019
Unfunded Priorities - Anonymous Donor
In response to the recent appeal to support Little River’s unfunded priorities, an anonymous donor has graciously offered to match – dollar for dollar, up to $1,000 – all gifts received from June 1 through July 31. If you are able to give above and beyond your current pledge, please submit your gift in the offering plate, notating “Unfunded Priorities” in the memo line or on the envelope. You may also contact the church office at
June 3, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on June 3 at the church. We discussed plans for Little River UCC’s first-ever SummerFest, featuring a rummage sale, games, vendors, food, and music, with all proceeds going to support general operations. (Look for more information in the bulletin as the summer progresses.) We also settled on a theme for the 2019 campaign and agreed to produce similar campaign materials. Note that, this year, Consecration Sunday will be November 10. Additionally, we discussed further communications with the congregation on Little River’s fiscal health and unfunded priorities and an educational seminar on charitable giving in the fall. The committee’s next meeting will be July 8.
May 19, 2019
A Message from the Stewardship Committee Addressing Unfunded Priorities
At the January congregational meeting, the Trustees presented – and the congregation approved – a 2019 budget based on submitted pledges and other anticipated income. However, Trustees also shared roughly $75,000 in unfunded priorities which we would pursue by “other means,” including separate fundraising. The Stewardship Committee, in partnership with affected boards and committees, is committed to providing regular communication on these efforts, in the interest of full transparency and to aid members in their decision-making process on supporting key ministries.
First, we are pleased to announce another success! Thanks to generous free-will offerings at the Shrove Pancake Supper ($1,700) and Open Mic Night ($407), as well as a Potomac Association grant ($1,600) and some specific donations by a few individuals, we have surpassed our goal of $4,000 to support the youth’s mission trip to Puerto Rico. Second, with your Easter offering of nearly $4,000, LRUCC will be purchasing 10,000 meals to pack on September 28 for the Rise Against Hunger campaign, with about $500 remaining for the Board of Outreach and Social Justice (BOSJ) to distribute to other hunger-related organizations. Stay tuned for opportunities to support benevolences in the areas of environmental justice/climate change, immigration/refugees, and racial justice. Third, above and beyond the aforementioned $75,000, we are also seeking to raise $10,000 to support Pastor Alexis during Pastor David’s upcoming sabbatical. The Church Council has approved the transfer of funds from the Transition Contingency Fund ($7,800), with the remaining amount to come from the General Fund, which is dependent on your gifts and offerings. At this time, we do not anticipate additional costs in this area thanks to thoughtful planning by our pastors, deacons, and trustees and a willingness by staff and other volunteers to step up during this time of need.
Meanwhile, there are ongoing discussions around other unfunded priorities, including building security and maintenance and a First Friday coordinator. Your church leadership would welcome further discussions with you about sustaining and enhancing any of these important works.
April 29, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on April 29 at the home of member Caroline Labbe. We debriefed on the recent Ministry Board and Church Council meetings and Pastor David’s sabbatical listening session and shared updates on our action items, including designating a liaison for the Nominations and Appointments Committee, organizing a summer fundraising event, and planning an educational seminar on charitable giving. We also discussed themes, messaging, and activities for the 2019 campaign. With the recent passing of Al Kassabian, the committee is acknowledging additional memorial gifts. The committee’s next meeting will be on June 3.
March 25, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on March 25 at the church. We debriefed on the recent Ministry Board and Church Council meetings and shared updates on our action items, including progress on the church’s unfunded priorities. (A reminder to the congregation that the Easter offering will support both the Rise Against Hunger meal-packing campaign and other hunger-related organizations, and any April 27 Open Mike Night donations will support the youth’s mission trip to Puerto Rico.) We also discussed connecting with new church members and planning an informational session for the community on charitable giving under the new tax law in the coming months. In the meantime, the committee continues to acknowledge memorial gifts for Ginna Minasian Dalton, Jane Hustvedt, and Hal Lamm. The committee’s next meeting will be in late April.
March 17, 2019
Addressing Unfunded Priorities
At the January congregational meeting, the Trustees presented – and the congregation approved – a 2019 budget based on submitted pledges and other anticipated income. However, Trustees also shared roughly $75,000 in unfunded priorities which we would pursue by “other means,” including separate fundraising. The Stewardship Committee, in partnership with affected boards and committees, is committed to providing regular communication on these efforts, in the interest of full transparency and to aid members in their decision-making process on supporting key ministries.
First, we are pleased to announce a success! Although the budget was unable to transfer any funding to the Organ Repair Reserve, through generous gifts – including memorial gifts – the fund recently exceeded the Music Committee’s goal of $18,000, which, in combination with some additional planned activities, should fully pay for the organ repairs planned for this summer. Second, we have made significant steps in supporting the youth’s mission trip to Puerto Rico. The Shrove Pancake Supper brought in some $1,700, and Pastor Alexis successfully secured a grant from the Potomac Association of $1,600. While there are still substantial needs here, we are hopeful upcoming events – including the April 27 Open Mic Night – will help close the remaining gap. Third, regarding Board of Outreach and Social Justice (BOSJ)-directed benevolences, the Ministry Board approved the Easter offering for the Rise Against Hunger meal-packing campaign, with any surplus for other hunger-related organizations.
Stay tuned for similar opportunities to support benevolences in the areas of environmental justice/climate change, immigration/refugees, and racial justice. Also, there are ongoing discussions around funding building security and maintenance and a First Friday coordinator.
February 25, 2019
The Stewardship Committee met on February 25 at the church. We welcomed Bruce Summers as our newest member! We spent the bulk of the meeting debriefing on the 2018 campaign, identifying successes and challenges, and discussed important factors to consider in developing the 2019 campaign to support 2020 operations (including Little River’s 65th anniversary and Pastor David’s sabbatical). We also discussed the need to raise additional funds to support unmet needs identified by the Trustees and increasing communication with the congregation on those efforts. We are planning an informational session for the community on charitable giving under the new tax law in the coming months. The committee’s next meeting will be March 25.
January 13, 2019
One final appeal from your Stewardship Committee for 2019 pledges! To date, the congregation had pledged $533,596, leaving us significantly short our goal of $630,000. Any shortfall in pledges means resources will need to be cut from valuable ministries and programs in the preliminary budget being prepared by Trustees. Fortunately, new or increased pledges can still be factored into the budget for presentation at the upcoming congregational meeting. Please submit a Pledge Card (available in the narthex or in the church office) or reach out to Adam Honeysett via email or phone at (703) 323-0416 out of gratitude to God and in support of the church’s mission at home and abroad.
January 6, 2019
Thanks again to everyone who participated in the “A Piece of God’s Plan” stewardship campaign. As of December 31, 2018, the congregation had pledged $530,596, putting us at 84% of our goal of $630,000. Even though we have started a new calendar year, there is still some time to make a initial pledge or increase your current pledge. Any pledges received within the next couple of weeks will make a tremendous difference in the preliminary budget presented by the Trustees at upcoming congregational meeting. Please submit a Pledge Card (available in the narthex or in the church office) or reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 to support Little River’s many ministries which sustain our spiritual lives and enable us to reach the wider world.
December 23, 2018
The calendar year is quickly coming to an close, but there is still time to participate in this year’s “A Piece of God’s Plan” stewardship campaign. To date, the congregation has pledged $510,596, putting us at 81% of our goal of $630,000. We really need your help to close the gap! The Trustees are preparing a preliminary budget, and any shortfall in pledges means resources will have to be cut from valuable ministries and programs. If you have previously pledged but not yet submitted this year, we hope to hear from you very soon! If you have not previously pledged, please consider sharing your gifts with the church to have an even greater impact as a community of faith. And, if you have already pledged but can increase your contribution, please let us know! Pledge Cards are available in the narthex and can be dropped in the offering plate or mailed to the office. You may also reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or to discuss your pledge.
December 16, 2018
Thanks to so many for participating in this year’s “A Piece of God’s Plan” stewardship campaign. To date, the congregation has pledged nearly $493,000, putting us at more than 78% of our goal of $630,000. Now, we still need your help covering the remaining amount! Remember, our pledges are critical as the Trustees prepare a preliminary budget for the upcoming congregational meeting. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate this Sunday or mailing it to the office. If you are able to increase your submitted pledge, please reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
December 9, 2018
Among the committee’s key objectives was hitting 75% of our goal by December 1. Thanks to so many of you responding to additional outreach, we made it! To date, the congregation has pledged nearly $468,000. Now, we still need your help in covering the remaining 25%. Remember, our pledges are critical as the Trustees prepare a preliminary budget for the upcoming congregational meeting. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate this Sunday or mailing it to the office. If you are able to increase your submitted pledge, please reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
December 2, 2018
Thanks to so many for participating in this year’s “A Piece of God’s Plan” stewardship campaign. To date, the congregation has pledged more than $435,000, putting us at nearly 70% of our goal of $630,000. Help us conclude this year’s campaign on a high note! If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate this Sunday or mailing it to the office. (Pledge cards are available in the narthex, on the table with our puzzle piece pledge tracker, and in the office.) If you are able to increase your submitted pledge, please reach out to Adam Honeysett at (703) 323-0416 or
November 16, 2018
Thank you for continuing to submit your Pledge Cards for 2019. To date, the congregation has pledged nearly $380,000, which puts us more than 60% of the way towards our goal of $630,000. Let’s keep the momentum going! Every member and friend of Little River has a piece to play in helping make next year another successful year of ministry in our community and the world. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday or mailing it to the office. You can find all the “A Piece of God’s Plan” campaign materials – including the narrative program budget, pledge card, and giving guide – in the narthex, on the table with our puzzle piece pledge tracker. Also, if you have not already done so, please add your name or other words of gratitude to God to the jigsaw puzzle.
November 9, 2018
Thank you for continuing to submit your Pledge Cards for 2019. To date, the congregation has pledged more than $345,000, which puts us nearly 55% of the way towards our goal of $630,000. Let’s keep the momentum going! Every member and friend of Little River has a piece to play in helping make next year another successful year of ministry in our community and the world. If you have not yet submitted your Pledge Card, please do so by dropping it in the offering plate on Sunday or mailing it to the office. You can find all the “A Piece of God’s Plan” campaign materials – including the narrative program budget, pledge card, and giving guide – in the narthex, on the table with our puzzle piece pledge tracker. Also, if you have not already done so, please add your name or other words of gratitude to God to the jigsaw puzzle.
September 30, 2018
First, a big thanks to everyone who made our recent Silent Auction a big success! The auction made $3,441. We are committing 20% of that amount ($688.20) to the Arts Ministry for its next big project. The remaining 80% ($2,752.80) will go to the church’s General Fund to support our ministries through the end of the calendar year. Second, we hope you received in the mail a letter from Pastor David regarding this year’s stewardship campaign theme: “A Piece of God’s Plan.” What is your particular piece of God’s plan? What gifts has God given you? How might you step up and share your gifts with the church to have an even greater impact as a community of faith? As you prayerfully consider your pledge to Little River for next year, you are invited to give out of gratitude to God and in support of the church’s mission at home and in the wider community. Please reflect on your individual piece of God’s plan, as well as our piece united together as God’s people.
August 13, 2018
The Stewardship Committee met on August 13 at the church. We debriefed on latest Ministry Board, Finance Committee, and Church Council meetings and discussed the current status of donations for the Silent Auction to help raise funds for general operations that will take place on Rally Day (September 9). (The deadline to donate has been extended to August 31. Please contact Doreen Manchester at or Michelle Mitchell at to discuss donations and/or volunteer.) We also reviewed feedback from boards and committees to revise our annual Program Brochure, updated our timeline for the rollout of this year’s campaign, and made assignments for milestone events during the rollout. The Stewardship Committee’s next meeting will be September 13.