Board of Christian Education
July 14, 2020
This meeting of the CE Board was announced as an open meeting so that we can figure out how parents of younger children would like the church to offer support for church activities for children. We will also try to imagine how the upcoming fall season will work, assuming we will not be back in the church building through the rest of 2020. Based on parent feedback, CE will explore online church school curricula and the possibility of holding a “Children’s Church” with lessons and time for fellowship. We will also look into holding an in-person Our Whole Lives class for 7th-9th graders. This curriculum is not conducive to online learning, but we may be able to limit the class size in order to accommodate social distancing. For more info contact
May 31, 2020
Advice for Graduates
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received? In preparation for Graduation Sunday on June 14, we are collecting pieces of advice from the congregation to share with our graduates in a special way as they prepare to start new chapters in their lives.
May 24, 2020
Honoring Our Graduates
On Sunday, June 14, we will honor members of our church family who graduated this spring or have done so since last June. This includes graduates from high school, college, technical school, or graduate school. If that describes you or a family member, please notify the church office in writing ( as soon as possible. Please include the graduate’s name, school and degree, relationship (if not a Little River UCC family member) and, for high school graduates, whether they will continue their education, military service, etc. Also, please let the office know about any address changes for graduates listed in the church directory. Please email this information to the office before Wednesday, June 3.
February 28, 2020
Youth and Parents Listening Session
The Board of Christian Education will host a listening session after worship on Sunday, March 22 to discuss what parents and youth want and need from our youth ministry programs. All insights and ideas are appreciated! Youth are encouraged to attend as well and offer feedback. If you're unable to attend or would rather share your thoughts via email, please contact
February 14, 2020
The Ginna Minasian Dalton Fund (GMD Fund)
Opportunity to Contribute in Memory of the Rev. Ginna Minasian Dalton
At the Little River UCC annual meeting on February 2, 2020, the congregation was reminded of the GMD Fund and encouraged to consider making a gift in memory of Ginna. Lead donors to the fund have pledged or given $14,150 – a sum that we hope will inspire others to participate. The balance as of February 2 will support an annual payout of about $1,600 in support of Youth Ministry and Women’s Ministry—areas of special interest to Ginna.
Gifts to the Ginna Minasian Dalton Fund may be made by personal check, with the GMD Fund noted in the memo line, or by credit card on the LRUCC website Donate page.
All gifts will be acknowledged by LRUCC as tax-deductible; Sam Dalton will be informed of each donor’s memorial gift.
The Board of Christian Education has established a designated fund (the “Ginna Minasian Dalton Fund”) to honor the memory of the Rev. Ginna Minasian Dalton and the impact that she had on the Little River United Church of Christ. The objective of the Fund is to provide additional support to or to augment programs that Ginna revitalized during her ministry with us from 2002 to 2010 – principally, but not exclusively, programs that enhance the life experiences or enhance the faith formation of youth or of women in our congregation.
Disbursements from the Fund will be used to support two program areas especially close to Ginna’s heart, Youth Ministry and Women’s Ministry, and to support them in ways that are beyond the scope of the church’s Operating Budget. Specifically, proceeds from the Fund could be used to encourage youth participation mission trips and to provide financial aid where needed. Also, proceeds from the Fund could be used to support programs of the Women’s Ministry and to provide financial aid where needed. Such disbursements will help to fulfill Ginna’s goals for the youth and her vision for Women’s Ministry.
The Fund will be established by direct contributions in 2020 and disbursed over about a ten-year period. The Fund will be disestablished on January 1, 2031 with any balance remaining to be transferred to the General Endowment Fund. Contributions to the Fund will be invested in an account with United Church Funds (UCF), as is done with several other designated funds.
Contributions of equities will be liquidated upon receipt. Although return on investment varies from year to year, it is reasonable to expect that the return on investment will be about 4% to 5% per year, over the long term.
Annually, the Board of Christian Education will determine the appropriate amount to be disbursed from the Fund consistent with the plan to fully disburse the assets in the Fund in about ten years. The Board of Christian Education will then decide on the use(s) of the disbursement from the Fund for that year, consistent with the objective of the Fund.
February 11, 2020
The Board of Christian Education met Tuesday, February 11. The Board currently consists of only four members, and we would welcome anyone with an interest in joining! The Board discussed the upcoming Lenten Soup Supper & Discussion series, and in an effort to encourage the participation of more families, the Board agreed that it would offer a Lenten Godly Play class at the same time as the adult sessions are taking place. This series will begin March 1 through April 5. We were glad to note that the Ginna Minasian Dalton fund has been started with major contributions totaling approximately $14,000; we would welcome additional contributions from members of LRUCC to this fund. This July 22-25, LRUCC youth will attend the National Youth Event, a UCC conference that occurs every four years designed especially for youth. We will need adult chaperones to attend this event! The Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum will likely be offered this fall for 7th-9th graders. The Board will host a listening session after worship on March 22nd to discuss interest in revitalizing Little River's Pilgrim Youth Fellowship program.
February 9, 2020
Save the Date! UCC National Youth Event is July 22-25!
Calling all middle school, high school, and college students! The United Church of Christ’s National Youth Event will take place at Purdue University in West Lafayette, IN from July 22 to 25, 2020. This 4-day event is celebrated as the UCC’s largest denominational gathering, which brings together youth from all over the country to celebrate their faith, embolden their leadership, and empower themselves for lives of service and social justice.
December 17, 2019
The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, December 17. The Board discussed preparation of our annual report for 2019. The Board is in good financial shape at the end of 2019. In planning for 2020, we noted that several church members have asked for adult Bible study programs with more of a spiritual focus. There has also been interest expressed in reviving the Pilgrim Youth Fellowship program. We plan to offer the Our Whole Lives (OWL) program on faith and sexuality for young teens early in 2020. We will survey parents to determine what the best time for the OWL sessions would be.
November 24, 2019
Ginna Minasian Dalton Fund
In response to an expressed desire for a way to honor the impact that the Rev. Ginna Minasian Dalton had on our church during her tenure with us, the Board of Christian Education is establishing a designated fund to augment programs that were of particular significance to Ginna. Further information and complete details of the Fund will be presented at the Annual Meeting on February 2, 2020. Comments or questions should be directed to David Roach or Dave Curtis.
October 8, 2019
The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, October 8. The Board had an extensive discussion of progress in establishing a special fund in memory of Ginna Minasian Dalton, the former Associate Pastor of Little River UCC. The Board will develop a statement of purpose and structural description of this fund to present to the Church Council at its November meeting. The Board also approved a request for curriculum funding from the Monday Morning Religious Studies group. We discussed the pressing need to recruit new members for the Board, since several incumbent members will be leaving in 2020. The Board will plan for a special Advent event for children and families shortly before Christmas. Details of this event will be announced in November.
September 10, 2019
The Christian Education Board met on September 10. Thank you to all the parents who registered their children for church school on Rally Day! Registration forms are still available if you need one for your children. Our youth group will be going on monthly outings and we would love to have a few volunteers join them. The first outing will be a clean-up of Accotink Creek on October 5; contact the Pastor if you are interested in participating. Bible Sunday is October 27. You will be receiving an email from the Pastor if your child is being presented with a Bible this year. And please remember that all church members are encouraged to attend Safe Church training -- it is required every two years for those who work with children and youth; please join us at one of the two classes that will be offered this fall: Sunday, September 22 at 11:30 am to 1:00 pm or Monday, September 30 from 6:30 to 8:00 pm, with dinner provided.
August 13, 2019
The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, August 13. We heard a presentation by Mike Nagy of the Board of Trustees about proposed security updates in rooms used by the Annandale Cooperative Pre-School. We also discussed the need for safety and security drills for the entire congregation. After extensive discussion, the Board approved two requests for financial support for Christian-education-related training and for Tom Morgan's seminary studies. At the conclusion of the youth mission trip, the Board still has enough funds in its operating budget to cover anticipated expenses for the rest of this year. The Board also discussed its possible role in the continuation of the First Friday program, if the congregation decides that program should continue.
June 16, 2019
Summer Church School Volunteers Needed
Looking for a fun way to help out over the summer? Volunteer to teach church school! Each Sunday we need 2 adults to sign up to teach our multi-age church school class. We still have lots of space open! Please sign up as you are available on the roster in the Narthex, and the Pastor will send you the lesson plan!
May 14, 2019
The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, May 14. The Board discussed recent successful fundraising efforts in support of this summer's youth mission trip. We have exceeded our goal and needs for this year's trip. The Board will continue summer adult education this summer with another series of TED talks followed by discussions. This series will begin June 9 and run through August 25. During the Sunday service on June 2, the Board will recognize church school teachers, First Friday volunteers, and recent graduates. We plan to distribute small appreciation gifts to volunteers, as well as laundry baskets to high-school graduates.
May 5, 2019
Honoring our Graduates: Deadline: May 29
On Sunday, June 2, we will honor members of our church family who graduated this spring or have done so since last June. This includes graduates from high school, college, technical school, or graduate school. If that describes you or a family member, please notify the church office in writing ( as soon as possible. Please include the graduate’s name, school and degree, relationship (if not a Little River UCC family member) and, for high school graduates, whether they will continue their education, military service, etc. Also, please let the office know about any address changes for graduates listed in the church directory. Please email this information to the office before Wednesday, May 29.
April 21, 2019
Help Design the Next LRUCC T-Shirt! Calling all children and youth artists! The Boards of Christian Education and Outreach and Social Justice are teaming up to create a new church t-shirt! This would be something everyone in the congregation could wear out in the world as a visible witness to the values we share as a community of faith. We are asking all children and youth to think about symbols that embody who we are at Little River UCC and create designs based on their ideas. We will be collecting submissions until May 13.
April 9, 2019
The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, April 9. The Board discussed a proposal to create a dedicated funding stream to support youth mission trips in the future. This funding mechanism would be created in memory of Rev. Ginna Minasian Dalton, who was a strong proponent of youth mission work during her service at LRUCC. The Board finalized plans for children's activities for Easter. The TED talks series will happen again on Sundays this summer. The Board discussed the possibility of having regularly scheduled fellowship events for the youth of the church. Since the First Friday program may be ending as we have known it, the first Friday of each month might be a logical time to schedule such events. Anyone who has questions or concerns should contact the Board at
March 17, 2019
The Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper to benefit the youth mission trip to Puerto Rico this summer was a great success! We raised $1,755 toward our goal of $4,000. Thank you to everyone who came and supported our youth! Our next fundraiser will in conjunction with Open Mike Night on April 27th where youth will be offering an array of baked goods in support of the trip. A reminder that on Easter Sunday we will have a Time for Children and Church School at the 9:00 service only, followed by an Easter Egg search for children and youth at 10:00. Plans were discussed to offer an adult education series on Mental Health First Aid over the summer.
February 12, 2019
The Board of Christian Education met on Tuesday, February 12. The primary topic for discussion was fundraising for the youth mission trip this summer. The Board plans to work with the youth and teachers of church school classes to design a T-shirt for Little River UCC. Proceeds from the sale of this shirt to the Little River community will go to partial funding of the mission trip. The Board also discussed the importance and urgency of working with the Racial Justice Coalition to develop a framework for discussing racism with the children and youth of the church, particularly in the context of recent news from the state government in Richmond. Questions? Contact the committee at
December 20, 2018
The Christian Education Board met on Thursday, December 20 to prepare their annual report and discuss plans for the upcoming year. Our adult education class We Make the Road by Walking will continue through the winter and spring; new class members are always welcome! We are tentatively planning on offering TED talk discussions in the summer. If there is a TED talk that you enjoyed and would love to discuss with church members, let us know! Also look for more family social events in the upcoming year, designed to build community amongst our families, children, and youth.
September 20, 2018
The Board of Christian Education met on Thursday, September 20. The Board discussed residual financial issues having to do with the youth mission trip, but these issues will be resolved before the end of the year without putting the Board into a deficit. The first Safe Church training is scheduled for September 23; the second one, previously scheduled for October 5, may be re-scheduled. The Board explored possibilities for a mission trip for the summer of 2019. Bible Sunday will take place on October 28, which is also Consecration Sunday. The Board will plan a Faith and Film event, possibly to coincide with the Advent Fun Shops in December. The next meeting of the Board will take place on Thursday, October 18.
August 16, 2018
The Christian Education Board met on August 16. Members discussed funding issues related to the mission trip. The board also made final plans for Rally Day, Sunday, September 9, during which children and youth will register for church school for the coming year. Pastor Alexis presented plans to present the OWL (Our Whole Lives) curriculum to youth beginning this fall. The board also discussed creating a more robust implementation of security measures in the educational wing of the church.