Good Neighbor Project Needs Volunteers
Volunteer Opportunities with Good Neighbor Project, a joint venture supported by Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA), Peace Lutheran, Ravensworth Baptist, John Calvin Presbyterian, and Little River UCC.
The Homework Club is off to a good start, and the steering committee is fine tuning our program. In addition to some volunteers, Little River UCC members have donated tutoring materials, a cabinet, and a computer—many thanks for your generosity!
We do need drivers for our meetings on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays of each month. Our participants live about ten minutes away from Peace Lutheran, so not too much time is involved. And it’s possible to sign up for either pick-up or take-home. For first-time drivers, an easy-to-do background check is needed; if you’ve already been cleared for work with children elsewhere, merely copy the certificate and send to Amy Meli at
An adjunct program “Threads to Success” is up and running. It meets the second Sunday of each month from 2 to 4 pm at Peace Lutheran Church. The first part of the class entails sewing instruction in Dari, followed by English as a Second Language (ESL) practice and a time for networking. The objectives of the class are to equip and empower women to learn and practice sewing skills while also advancing their English skills. Volunteers are needed to help with English language practice and support Lutheran Social Services staff members with any needed tasks. Sewing skills are helpful but not entirely necessary. For more information, please contact Nadia Fitzcharles, at
For more information about Homework Club, contact Janet Parsons Mackey