Community Organizing Workshop Announcement
Community Organizing Workshop Announcement
On February 8 and 9, eight members of Little River UCC attended a workshop on community organizing hosted by the Potomac Association and led by leaders from Faith in Action, a nation-wide, faith-based network supporting grassroots organizing and enabling people of faith to build power to reshape their lives and their communities. They were Jan Curtis, Carrie Douglas, Alexis Kassim, Judy Moats, Drew Nettinga, Gail Perry, Larry Roth, and Nadine Zing.
They came away from their time together enriched by the training and inspired to share what they learned with their sisters and brothers in this their beloved church.
They also came away with homework to do. Each of them committed to doing 10 1-1 conversations. A 1-1 is a focused conversation designed to begin building relationships. It usually takes no more than 30 minutes.
Each of them has compiled their list of ten folk with whom they’d like to have these conversations and they will be reaching out to you beginning this week. They humbly request that if you’re contacted, you’ll respond with an enthusiastic YES.
If you’d like to be proactive and let them know you’d like to talk with them, you are invited to list your name and contact info on a sign-up sheet posted on the hallway bulletin board. Gail Perry or Larry Roth will contact you to set up an appointment, or if you wish to talk to one of the other six, they will pass on your name.
What will they be asking you? Two simple questions. What keeps you up at night? In other words, what concerns do you have for yourself, your children and family, friends, neighborhood, community or nation? And, what would you like to do about it? Again, the conversation should last not much more than a half hour.
If you have any questions in the meantime, you’re welcome to contact any member of the group.