Ministry Showcase

Pastor Shelli’s absence this week gives us an opportunity to showcase some of Little River’s ministries before we enter our Stewardship Campaign. This Sunday, we will hear three ministries answer the question “How is our work changing lives in Fairfax County?”

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Freedom to Love

Pastor Shelli concludes her sermon series on drawing nearer to God through the Psalms by reflecting on Psalm 119 and the relationship between the law and freedom. In so doing, she reflects on the relationship between Jews and Christians.

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God of All Creation

In this second Sunday in her series on drawing nearer to God through the Psalms, Pastor Shelli invites us to consider a different image for God's relationship to all creation: What if we thought of the world as God's body? She introduces us to this idea in conversation with Psalm 65 and the work of American theologian Sallie McFague.

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God is Good. All the Time?

Pastor Shelli begins a 4-week sermon series on drawing nearer to God with the Psalms. This week, she examines the faith of the psalmist that God is good, and wonders with American theologian H. Richard Niebuhr what we might say about God when we also recognize the existence of great suffering.

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Who Is This Jesus?

Pastor Shelli reflects on the political and socio-cultural wars over the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals and families in light of Jesus' claim to be the Anointed One who would usher in a time of peace. On this Open and Affirming Sunday, Pastor Shelli encourages us to stay open to the voice of God and to keep representing the Christ we know - who loves the excluded and sits among the outcast - to our neighbors.

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