Sunday Worship, Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022

Join us in-person or online for worship on Palm Sunday, April 10, 2022. The service feature readings of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The Rev. Dr. Arthur L. Cribbs, Jr., preaches.

About the Service

The pageantry preceding Easter is filled with splendor and song. “Hosanna!” was shouted throughout the streets as Jesus made a grand but humble entry into Jerusalem. We can only imagine the excitement among the crowds as he rode on the back of a young donkey, a colt, he had commissioned one of his disciples to go and fetch.

How do you imagine that scene? What if Jesus were to enter the grounds of this church? What if Jesus walked, rode, or appeared in front of you today? Allow your imagination to soar and think, “What if Jesus came here today?” How would you react? Imagine.

With the passing of time and the myriad conditions, events, and scientific advancements, can you visualize the impact Jesus might have if he were to show up right in front of you? How do you think such an event would affect you today?

There may be a temptation to lock the grand entry of Jesus into Jerusalem in the distant past and sealed in the Bible. Or, it may be dismissed as a fable of foreign origin and irrelevant to our reality. However, the jubilance that erupted upon his arrival provided a moment to pause and consider what it may mean to us now.

The description of Jesus making his way into the city where the end of his public ministry occurred produced public joy and excitement. An impromptu parade proceeded as witnesses were transformed into an exaggerated chorus of glorious proclaimers of his mission and ultimate purpose.

As we look back to that significant display of public exhilaration, we can only wonder how people might react to a public appearance of Christ today. What would you do if Jesus stood in front of you right now?

This is Holy Week. This is a time of passion, confession, and revelation. Look again and see Jesus appearing in Jerusalem.

Little River UCC