Guest Preacher: Janet Parsons Mackey

Guest Preacher: Janet Parsons Mackey

Sunday, March 12, 2023

Little River United Church of Christ is pleased to welcome our guest preacher—and Little River member—the Rev. Dr. Janet Parsons Mackey to the pulpit on this third Sunday in Lent.

Janet Parsons Mackey grew up in Minnesota, served churches in Connecticut and Massachusetts for nearly fifty years, and retired to Virginia to be close to her sons’ families. At Little River she’s active with the Women’s Ministry Team and is involved with other church representatives in the Neighbor to Neighbor outreach to Afghan immigrants. She enjoys travel and is learning to write. She lives in Greenspring Village where she’s meeting new interesting people.

Mackey will preach from the gospel lectionary text for Sunday: John 4. The title of her sermon will be “A Significant Conversation.”