Central Atlantic Conference’s Annual Meeting
As you read this note, the Central Atlantic Conference’s Annual Meeting is underway! Clergy and delegates are meeting in Frederick, MD at Evangelical Reformed UCC this year to engage in learning, to worship together, to socialize over meals, and to vote on the 2024 operating budget and officers. This year the theme is “For I know the plans I have for you” (Jer. 29:11). The keynote speaker is Rev. Dr. Starsky Wilson, President and CEO of the Children’s Defense Fund. I have been looking forward to getting to know our Conference better, and am attending online today (Fri, Oct 13) and in person tomorrow (Sat, Oct 14).
In preparation for the meeting, the Central Atlantic Conference has sent a summarized budget for the 2024 year, along with reports from our Conference Minister, Rev. Freeman Palmer, and Associate Conference Ministers, Revs. Sheresa Simpson-Rice, Craig Peterson, and Marvin Silver. Here is a brief summary of these documents:
The operating income for 2024 totals $1,150,793. Most of that income comes from Our Church’s Wider Mission offerings from congregations, along with operating income from trusts. Operating expenses for 2024 project a deficit of $69,036. The operating expenses are used to support congregations and their pastors, support national and other related UCCC organizations, support the growth of the conference in financial and church development/revitalization, support church and ministry committees, and ecumenical activities. They indicate that the deficit can be reduced by higher than budgeted giving by congregations to OCWM or by individuals to Friends of the Conference. As a last resort, the deficit will be reduced by drawing down the conference’s operating reserve fund and the conference’s endowment fund.
Rev. Freeman Palmer reports that for the first time since 2019 (when he was called to serve), the conference has three settled Associate Conference Ministers. Three Conference board members are rotating off the board, and a slate of nominees has been prepared for a vote at the annual meeting. His priorities for the year include a strategic planning update, sale of Grace Reformed Church in Washington, transitioning with his office to a new accounting service, and equipping the office with new database management software. He will also be nurturing our partners in Germany, South Africa, and other settings like the Franklinton Center at Bricks and Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, MS. He also serves on the Board of Directors of the Church Building and Loan Fund and the Board of UCC Media Justice Ministry, and he serves as vice-chair of Lancaster/Moravian Theological Seminary, and Treasurer for the Council of Conference Ministers. Next year will be the conference’s 60th anniversary, and he is also looking forward to celebrating.
Rev. Sheresa Simpson-Rice reports that she has been working diligently with churches and pastors in the search and call process, where we are facing the challenges of a pastor shortage. She has been facilitating Communities of Practice, a program that supports and sustains clergy, UCC Polity and the UCC Polity Teachers’ Network, and monthly meetings of the chairs of each association’s Committee/Commission on Ministry.
Rev. Craig Peterson reports that the Church Revitalization Team is working to create an Intergenerational Mission Project, and the New Church Development Team is reorganizing and working to streamline the new church start process. He also is involved in Pastoral Search Committees, the Community of Support for Lay Worship Leaders, and a group to support lay ministerial standing. He has also been supporting the Children’s Ministry Network (which provides twice a week programming using the Sparkhouse Sunday School curriculum), and the ONA Network (Open and Affirming). He supports the Retired Clergy Community of Support, the Clergy Retreat, Clergy Lunches, skill building, and website support.
Rev. Marvin Silver reports that the Justice and Witness Action Network that he leads now has 635 members. In Virginia, the Network is organizing and mobilizing justice leaders, clergy, and local churches to encourage African American, Latinx, and Asian American voters to vote in the Nov. 7 General Election as part of the Faith and Democracy 2023 Campaign and Faith and Democracy Sunday. The Environment and Climate Justice Network has completed 25 installations of air quality monitors at participating local churches in DC and MD as part of building a community-based air quality monitoring network supportive of communities of color and reducing air pollution associated with health inequities. This fall air quality monitors will be installed at our northern Virginia local churches. The Racial Justice Network is conducting a local church audit at Rock Spring UCC, and the Anti-racist local church audit guide and survey tool is being copyrighted and published for use across the Conference. The Potomac Association’s Racial Justice Group is finalizing a program to transform our local congregations into White Supremacy Free Zones, which implements the resolution on the same theme that was passed at General Synod 34. Rev. Silver also works with 16 local congregations in pastoral transition, to support their committees on ministry, and support the redevelopment of church properties.
If you’d like to read the full reports, they’re available online:
Annual Report - Rev. Freeman L. Palmer, Conference Minister
Annual Report - Rev. Craig Peterson, Associate Conference Minister, Congregational Development
Annual Report - Rev. Sheresa A. Simpson-Rice, Associate Conference Minister, Leadership Development
Annual Report - Rev. Marvin M. Silver, Associate Conference Minister, Justice and Witness Ministries