Learning with Infants & Children
Infants and Toddlers
Infants and toddlers are welcome in the Infant Care Room staffed by our professional care provider and members of our church. The room is equipped with appropriate toys and equipment. This care is available for infants and children through age 2 during Sunday worship. Parents must complete a sign-in sheet and should make themselves familiar with our Nursery Handbook.
Care is provided for young children (infant through age 9) during weekday evening classes, choir rehearsals upon request, and other church activities. Call the church office in advance to ensure availability.
Preschool and Pre-reader Children
Preschool and pre-reader children are introduced to Bible stories through Godly Play. Godly Play is a Montessori-style learning environment, focused on the needs of children at this place on life’s journey. The program teaches classical Christian language in a way that enhances the child’s authentic experience of God so it can contribute to the creative life of the child and the world. Learn more at the Godly Play Foundation.
Kindergarten through 5th Grade
Children in kindergarten through fifth grade are invited to attend our elementary church school class on Sunday mornings during worship. Our volunteer teachers use Deep Blue Kids, a multimedia curriculum, to guide children through encountering God in the world around them.
Sharing God’s Word
In recognition of our commitment to nurture children and families in their faith formation, Bibles are offered at four specific places on a child’s faith journey. When a child is born, a pastor gives a children's Bible story book. When a child begins attending Godly Play (three years of age), they are presented with the SPARK Story Bible. When a child enters third grade (eight years of age), they are presented a Children’s Bible-New Revised Standard Version (NRSV). Upon completion of the Confirmation Class, each youth is presented with The Oxford Annotated Bible: New Revised Standard Version (NRSV).