Board of Trustees
July 21, 2020
The trustees discussed the implementation of new safety measures around the building including: new hand sanitizer stations, rearrangement of the office suite, and purchasing PPE and cleaning supplies. Tasks were identified for the August 1st outdoor clean-up day from 9am-12pm; volunteers are needed and appreciated! Trustees also reviewed ACPS’ initial outline of revisions to their operating procedures for the upcoming school year such that children and teachers maintain social distancing and other safety measures. A discussion was had about various improvements and repairs that need to be addressed. For more info contact
September 17, 2019
Trustees met on September 17 and discussed a range of issues relating to the budget and potential improvements to the church building and systems. Trustees reviewed the church’s unfunded priorities for the current fiscal year to identify the unmet needs that our recent dedicated fundraising could support. This discussion extended into setting priorities for the upcoming fiscal year which is how the Trustees initiate the budget process. Since the last meeting, the convection oven in the kitchen has been replaced, and security window film was installed in the nursery. Trustees discussed initial proposals for building and systems improvements including an upgraded telephone system, electronic locks at the church entry, better towel and soap dispensers, and energy efficient lighting. A portion of the energy efficient lighting effort was approved to move forward while other proposals will require additional research. Lastly, the Trustees agreed to acknowledge the great work done by Eagle Scout Aidan Love in rebuilding the garden space in the church’s courtyard.
August 20, 2019
The Trustees had their regular meeting on August 20 and several matters were discussed, especially items coming out of the congregational listening session from August 18. Notably, Trustees approved the purchase of a convection oven to replace the old unit in the kitchen which failed earlier in the year. Sexton support to First Friday was also discussed, and the Trustees approved this support in 2019 in the event that the First Friday program is continued. With John Davis’s return to the Sexton position, the Trustees are also working towards defining the requirements for the Sexton and supporting positions in the longer term. On the security front, Trustee agreed to move ahead on applying window film in the Nursery. This installation will serve as a test for potential use of this window security film in other areas of the church where children/adults gather. The film also has energy saving benefits. Trustees had previously voted to repair sinks in the kitchen and an A/C unit in the nursery. Two repair projects were discussed: the main kitchen faucets were replaced earlier in the summer and the A/C unit in the nursery will be repaired this week.
August 11, 2019
Can You Help?
The Trustees are looking for an individual to do a one-time task. They need a person with drawing/artwork skills to create a single diagram of the layout of the church building and grounds to support their Safety and Security activities. If you or anyone you know is interested in this task please contact Mike Nagy by phone at 703-201-5246 or email at for more information.
July 16, 2019
The Trustees met on July 16. A number of issues were decided. The Trustees voted to support a staff request to transition to biweekly, rather than monthly payroll. The additional payroll costs needed to accomplish this shift are available in the budget. Trustees also worked on the path ahead for the Sexton position during the rest of the summer given John Davis’s recovery from his last surgery. Now that we are at the midpoint of the year, the budget was reviewed and the budget situation is positive. Trustees also helped return furniture moved during our recent annual floor cleaning to its normal summer location. Several maintenance issues were addressed including the replacement of faucets in the kitchen, updating our pest control inspection contract, and updating our trash contract. A storage shed for LRUCC’s Boy Scout troop is being installed and Trustees did some planning for other grounds maintenance activities planned for the summer months. Finally, Trustees were informed that the Virginia Music Adventures program, which has long used church facilities, will be ceasing operation. Trustees are working with the program leadership to wrap up outstanding administrative issues including the removal of their storage trailer from the church parking lot.
April 28, 2019
Little River UCC Spring Cleanup Event — Part 2
Please come to the Spring Cleanup on Saturday, May 4 from 8:00 am to noon. As always, we need folks to bring gloves, trash bags, tools for leaf raking and shrub trimming. In addition we will need loppers to cut down large bushes and tools to trim and saw tall tree branches. Bill Huddleston will available to distribute church tools and assign outside tasks. This year we will be freshening up the slave cemetery. Joe Christiansen will lead the task to clean up the courtyard. Bill Huddleston will be providing a truck to haul metal scrap to the dump. He will need help in loading and emptying the truck at the dumpsite. For inside the church, bring gloves, and cleaning materials for the main kitchen and the flower room kitchen cleanup. We will be supplying bleach wipes for cleaning finger and hand marks from interior walls. See Andrew Hunter for assignments. We will need vacuum cleaners suitable to vacuum the seats in the sanctuary. Light refreshments will be available.
April 21, 2019
Little River UCC Spring Cleanup Event
Little River’s annual spring cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, May 4 from 8 am to 12 noon. We hope everyone who has time that morning will join us for a few hours of beautifying the church. Tasks include leaf cleanup, pruning and trimming, making small repairs, and cleaning up neglected areas of the church. The Trustees will be there to guide and lead the work. For those who can’t make it on May 4 or who would like to be more involved in keeping our church beautiful and running smoothly, we would be most interested to hear from those willing to add their names to a list of volunteers willing to do small tasks at the church during the week or at other times of the year as needed. Please let Trustees chair Andrew Hunter, Building lead Mike Nagy, or Grounds lead Bill Huddleston know if you are interested in being part of a volunteer team for buildings and grounds work.
February 24, 2019
The Board of Trustees met on Tuesday, February 19 with nine Trustees, the Treasurer and Rev. David Lindsey attending. The Board of Trustees welcomed new and returning Trustees to the Board, reviewed Trustee roles and assignments, and tackled a full agenda of issues. The following individuals will serve as the Board's "Lead" Trustees in key areas of the Board's responsibilities: Mike Nagy - Building Maintenance; Bill Huddleston - Grounds Maintenance; Office Operations and IT - John Acar and Patrick Martin; Building Use - Betsy Erickson; Insurance - Lynn Daft; Budgeting and Finance - Andrew Hunter. The Board of Trustees appointed Robin Petrusak as Assistant Treasurer and Jennifer Mack as Comptroller. In other actions, the Board of Trustees approved the replacement of the water heater, accepting the proposal provided by our current plumbing contractor. The Board also approved the installation of up to three "phase monitors”, a type of surge protector, for key electrical circuits serving the sanctuary. This effort should prevent future loss of electrical power to the sanctuary following storms or unexpected power surges. Eventually additional phase monitors will be installed for other areas of the church, as funds allow. The Board of Trustees also approved and adopted a new Building Use policy, which will be implemented immediately. The new Building Use Policy and building use application form will be available on the website and from the church office.
February 17, 2019
"Adopt-A-Task" for LRUCC Volunteers
The Trustees are asking for volunteers to "Adopt-A-Task." This is similar to the Adopt-A-Highway program that you see signs for on the side of the road recognizing that individuals have adopted a portion of the highway for cleanup or maintenance of some sort. In our case, Little River UCC volunteers would take similar "ownership" of a particular task, periodically monitor if the task needs to be performed, and accomplish the task on their own schedule. Some tasks have already been taken on by volunteers. Here are some remaining tasks needing "ownership”: hedge trimming around the front and lane side of the church, dumpster ground area cleanup, special trash delivery to Fairfax County dump. If you are interested please contact Mike Nagy for details.
January 18, 2019
Trustees met on January 15. Discussion opened with a review of the final numbers associated with the 2018 Budget. The news was positive as many in the congregation stepped up their year-end giving. Total income was close to what had been budgeted. Careful control of expenses meant that expenditures were also below plan so that budgeted income exceeded budgeted expenditures by about $32,000. Because the 2018 budget included almost $55,000 of carryover, the amount available in the General Fund was about $22,000 lower at the end of the year than at the start of the year. This led naturally to discussion of the proposed budget for 2019. As indicated in the recent letter from the Chair of Trustees to the congregation, there are significant challenges in the 2019 budget in accommodating the church’s main priorities. After extensive discussion of how to accommodate the right mix of church priorities, a proposal known as the “Base Case” budget was approved to be shared with Church Council and recommended at the annual meeting. Trustees discussed the timeline for the Sexton’s return and interim support needed until that time. Several building and grounds maintenance issues were addressed along with the status of projects for lock and key replacement and a new security door. The church’s new server has been purchased and will be installed in the next few weeks, which should significantly improve service on the church’s network. Pastor David also shared with the Trustee’s a handsome wall plaque from our sponsored Boy Scout troop which is designed to hang in the church. The choir room wall next to the blackboard seemed to be the best location for this plaque. Lastly, Trustees went over a proposed new Building Use Policy a second time in preparation for its final review and approval.
December 23, 2018
The Trustees met December 18 and discussed a range of financial, building and office concerns. The main focus was on concerns about the church’s cash flow and low cash balances due to lagging pledge income as well as finding ways to significantly reduce the budget to bring it in line with expected pledges for 2019. Trustees voted to extend our interim Sexton and discussed the time frame for the Sexton’s return. We also discussed work done and worked planned on the church’s plumbing to reduce water usage and the replacement of the office server. Discussions on additional improvements to church security are awaiting estimates.
October 16, 2018
The Board of Trustees met the evening of October 16 in the Conference Room for their monthly gathering. They reviewed the Treasurer's Report, discussed the budget for 2019, reflected on building and grounds needs, and reviewed office operations. Of particular interest was the current staffing pattern, including positive feedback on the work being done by the Temporary Sexton. Prayers for the Trustees are welcomed as they begin to prepare the 2019 budget!