Board of Deacons
October 6, 2019
New Traditions at Little River this Fall
This fall, the Board of Deacons is introducing some new church traditions to offer spiritual celebration and support to the congregation. First, on Sunday, November 24, we will have a special Thanksgiving Sunday! During worship, Craig Stapert will share church organ music with us to help give thanks for all that has been done to repair and update the church organ. After worship, the Board of Deacons will be sponsoring a Thanksgiving meal in celebration of our church family. As part of this special Thanksgiving at Little River, we will be having crafts and other activities including hanging the greens so that the church will be decorated for the first Sunday of Advent. Given the calendar this year, the Deacons also felt that since many families would be traveling for the First Sunday of Advent this gave us a chance to gather as a church family before the “busyness” of the holiday season takes over.
Second, on Saturday, December 14, the Board of Deacons will be hosting the Bereavement Tea, with a Blue Christmas worship service to follow. We have lost so many members and church friends over the past year that the tea and service will be held at Little River that day. Tea will be at 2:00 pm, with the service to follow at 3:00.
April 21, 2019
First Friday Update
Friends, we want to thank everyone who attended or volunteered for First Friday for the 2018/2019 season. It has been a busy and great season. Unfortunately, we will be needing to end the season with our just completed April First Friday. As we end the year, we will be sending an email in the next month a survey to all volunteers and attendees gathering your impressions of the season just past and other information to aid us in this important outreach. If you have any comments or feedback until that comes out, please contact us at
January 27, 2019
The Board of Deacons met on January 22 and a major point of discussion was how to better keep in touch will all church members. A second point of discussion was finances for First Friday. The budget for 2019 will be discussed at the Annual Meeting.
December 16, 2018
Display of United States Flag in Little River UCC
A request has been made to place a 4x6 foot United States Flag in a vertical floor stand in a corner of the atrium near the church entry doors. Considerations, con and pro, to place the flag have been: (con) "separation of church and state," versus (pro) "significance of the flag's presence." This request has been suggested for a vote in a future congregational meeting (TBD). For background information on this request, you may contact Chris Weakley or Mike Nagy.
October 23, 2018
The Deacons met on October 23 and greeted some of the Scout leaders who now meet at LR with their Cub and Boy Scouts. We discussed upcoming gatherings, especially the November 4th listening session and the victim impact statement that Pastor David is writing. Coffee hour teams need to be consolidated. Advent Fun Shops and Hanging of Greens need volunteers.
September 25, 2018
The Deacons met on Tuesday, September 25 and discussed their responsibilities for the fall calendar: October 7 -- World Communion; October 14 -- Ministry Sunday and writing notes to college students; October 21 -- Cookie Packing; October 28 -- Consecration Sunday; December 2 -- Fun Shops and Hanging of the Greens; December 6 -- Bereavement Tea at Green Spring Village; and December 9 -- White Gift Service.
The Deacons discussed chartering the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts. First Friday is on for November and December; many volunteers are needed.