Description of Boards & Committees
The programs, activities, and operation of Little River United Church of Christ are established broadly at congregational meetings. The annual meeting of the congregation is held on the last Sunday of January. While our ordained pastors and other leaders guide the implementation of congregational intent, members carry out most of the programs, activities, and operations through service on boards and committees.
All meetings of the church and any of its constituent organizations are open to members of the church, except when it is necessary to protect privacy. To attend a meeting, check the calendar to confirm the next scheduled meeting of a particular group. To volunteer to be considered for nomination to a board or committee, contact or call the church office at 703-978-3060.
Roster of Congregational Leaders
This roster lists our officers, board and committee members, and leaders and contact people for other groups in our congregations.
Church Council
The Church Council consists of the pastors, the other church officers, and the presiding officer of each board, committee and organization of the church. The Council considers the entire work of the church, advises the pastors on the general direction of the church’s activities, and facilitates a well-rounded program. The Moderator (an elected layperson) chairs the Council and can act for the church in minor matters.
All meetings of the Church Council are open to any member of Little River UCC.
If you are interested in finding out what has been going on at Church Council meetings, please read our minutes.
Board of Deacons
The Deacons cooperate with the pastors in the spiritual welfare of the church. Specifically the Deacons assist in worship, promote the concerns of evangelism and fellowship, and are responsible for special care and ministries in the parish. These roles are accomplished through the work of the Worship, Evangelism, Fellowship, and Parish Care Committees of the Board.
Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees coordinates the overall management of the property, the financial affairs, and the business operations of the church and manages the details of these areas except as specifically delegated to other boards or committees. The Board of Trustees prepares the annual operating budget of the church, which is approved by the congregation at the Annual Congregational Meeting held each January.
Board of Christian Education
The Board of Christian Education at Little River designs and implements educational programs for infants through adults. The Board’s work complements and supports the ministry of the pastoral staff.
Board of Outreach and Social Justice
The Board of Outreach and Social Justice (BOSJ) is the steward of the outreach ministry of the church. BOSJ fosters the connection between LRUCC, the local community, the nation, and the world. The Board engages the congregation in the local, national, and international mission and relief activities. In addition, it allocates the annual church budget for outreach among these mission and relief projects. BOSJ also considers special funding requests, promotes special offerings during the year, and provides coordinators for mission projects of the church. BOSJ fosters connections to local level organization through service and encourages volunteerism. BOSJ promotes social justice by engaging the congregation in meaningful dialog, mission work and faith-based action. Click here to learn about missions supported by Little River UCC. is the email address to send outreach and social justice advocacy ideas, questions, and feedback to the board.
Board of Commonwealth Trustees
The Board of Commonwealth Trustees holds legal title to all church property.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee audits the church's financial records.
Communications Committee
The mission of the Communications Committee is to provide Little River United Church of Christ audiences, including members, friends, staff, and the wider community, with consistent and comprehensive information about all aspects of church life. Understanding that diverse audiences require diverse communications, the committee oversees the use of many communication channels while striving to maintain a consistent message and brand identity for the church. For more information, please view the statement of Organizing and Operating Practices.
Endowment Fund Committee
The Endowment Fund Committee oversees operations and investment policies for the church's endowment funds. Online gifts by credit or debit card are welcome here. Here is some more information about the fund.
Finance Committee
The Finance Committee, chartered by Church Council, recommends financial policies to the Council for approval, establishes details of financial practices that are consistent with those policies, and oversees the implementation of those policies and practices. The Finance Committee can also serve as a sounding board for financial questions from any of the church Officers, Boards, or Committees.
Nominations and Appointments Committee
The Nominations and Appointments Committee provides nominations for all positions (except for the Nominations and Appointments Committee itself) to be filled by congregational vote at the annual meeting and makes interim appointments to fill vacancies that occur between meetings.
Music Committee
The Music Committee guides the church’s music programs, provides general supervision of the music staff of the Church, and allocates the funds budgeted for music programs.
Stewardship Committee
The Stewardship Committee promotes the ideals of Christian stewardship, interprets the program needs of the church in financial terms, and secures financial pledges to underwrite the annual budget of the church. The committee works closely with the pastors to ensure broad involvement in this aspect of the Christian life. New pledges are welcome at any time during the year. You may mail your gift to the church office, or donate online.
Safe Community Committee
The Safe Church Committee administers the Safe Church Policy and investigates any complaints under this policy.
Special Committees
The congregation or the Church Council may appoint temporary committees for special projects. Examples of Special Committees include search committees and the Strategic Planning Committee.